Welcome To
Mountain man Golf
Skins Match
Points are as follows:
Eagle – 4 Pts
Birdie – 3 Pts
Par – 2 Pts
Bogey – 1 Pts
Rules for Skins:
A skin consists of a birdie or better.
If 2 people birdie or eagle the same hole, there will be no skin on that hole.
We will add up all the skins, and divide the skin money evenly

There Were 19 players in the skins match today.
total number of skins that held up were 6.
Randall Paton won 2 Skins
eagle on hole 18 and birdie on 7
Bill Jones won 2 skin
Birdie on 13 & 14
Mike Howard
won 1 skin
Birdie on 6
Steve Reed won 1 skin
Birdie on 12